The Best Way to Store Fresh Basil
Fresh basil is such an easy way to add a burst of flavor to any dish. If you have a lot of basil, and are looking for the best way to store it, I am about to tell you how. It is so easy, you won’t even believe it, and it does not require any special equipment.

Why I wrote this post
I decided to write this post as a follow up to my post The Ultimate Way to Store Fresh Herbs. I have always used that method to store my fresh herbs. It works for oregano, thyme, parsley, chives, cilantro, mint, rosemary, and a host of others.
I had so many questions on whether or not it would work well for basil. Historically, I used basil right off of the basil plant, so, I had to admit, that I had never really tried the mason jar method with basil.
But, after so many inquiries, I tried it for myself, several times, and found that it wasn’t the best way for basil. The basil would keep its green color, and stay fresh for a couple of days, then the leaves would turn dark, and wilt. It didn’t like the cold temperatures of the refrigerator, and preferred being at room temperature instead.
But, don’t worry! I tested several different ways for preserving fresh basil, and I have found THE BEST METHOD! Here’s how you do it!
The Best Way to Store Fresh Basil
If you are harvesting from your own basil plant, the first thing you want to do is identify the part of the stem right above a node. This is the area of them stem that comes right up between the intersection of two leaves.
Cut the stem at about a 45 degree angle at this point. Cutting at this point will actually promote growth on your basil plant. So, it is a win, win.

If you are storing fresh basil from the grocery store, this method may or may not work as well, depending on the amount of time that the plant has been cut, and out of water. But, it is definitely worth a try, and would be better than putting it in the refrigerator to turn dark, and wilt. I would recommend trimming the stem at a 45 degree angle, as you would fresh flowers, and follow the same method below.
Here’s How You Do It!
- Cut the basil stems at a 45 degree angle. If you are harvesting from your own plant, it is best to cut the basil stem right above a node, or intersection of two leaves.
- Remove the bottom leaves from the stems, and place the clippings in a glass jar or clear water glass, filled with cold water.
- Place the glass jar containing water and fresh basil stems on a window sill.

That’s it!
How Long Will The Fresh Basil Last?
This is such a simple way to store fresh basil. The cuttings will last weeks like this, as long as they have water. So, don’t forget to add water to your glass container when it is running low! You can continue to use the fresh basil leaves right off of the stem. If you leave some leaves on the stems, they will even grow roots after a couple of weeks!
At that time, you can even plant them, if you wish to propagate other basil plants! I have successfully transplanted basil this way in my own herb garden.
What Type of Container Should You Use?
I like using a clear, glass container so that I can keep an eye on the water level, and root growth, if I am propagating. In my example, I used an empty Bonne Maman jam jar. But, you could use any clear, glass jar that you have.
A Fresh Basil Plant Makes A Great Gift
A fresh basil plant would make a great housewarming gift to a new neighbor, or fried. It also makes a great gift to a friend who loves cooking with fresh basil, and who wishes to have their own basil plant!
Once your basil has sprouted roots, gently wrap the roots in a wet paper towel, and place the base of the basil plant in a plastic bag, to maintain moisture and to prevent drips.
You can wrap the plastic bag gently in beautiful napkin, and tie it with a bow, to give it nice presentation.
Give to a friend with the following instructions: Plant the basil in a pot with well draining soil as soon as possible, and water generously as you would any new transplant. Place in a warm, sunny spot, and water regularly.
Enjoy Your Fresh Basil!
I hope this helps all of you are who are looking for the best and easiest method to store fresh basil. Please leave a comment below if you try this. I love hearing from you!
If you are looking for the best method to store other fresh herbs, check out my post The Ultimate Way to Store Fresh Herbs!
À Bientôt!

I love fresh herbs, I always cook dishes with them. I love their smell and their taste. I have followed your advice about keeping parsley fresh. Now I can also keep basil fresh. Thank you. These advices are very helpful.